Align’s mission is to help you live a pain-free, healthy and rewarding life. Dr. Jo Moynihan provides highly personalized care for everyone from weekend warriors to professional dancers and athletes, from mothers and children to those suffering with chronic pain or recovering from complex orthopedic surgeries. She can help you align your body and your life.

Align PT and Health: Integrative Nutrition and Wellness in Boston, Massachusetts
ntegrative Nutrition and Wellness
Nutrition and
Injury Prevention & Fitness Programming
Injury Prevention
& Fitness
Balancing stones: A metaphor

“I am certain that I will achieve a limp-free gait four months earlier than my surgeon had dared to hope, attributable to Dr. Jo Moynihan’s empathetic   professionalism.”    


Food is one of the most widely available and least used medicines.

Bowl of fresh, healthy blackberries
Runner on the beach
Yoga is a great way to get in touch with yourself.

“Jo is the real deal. Her knowledge of the body — how it functions from a structural AND nutritional standpoint — is unparalleled. With a few minor adjustments to my eating, she helped me radically reduce a lifelong addiction to sugar.”


Dr. Jo Moynihan, DPT, CHC

Physical therapy was not a “career choice” for Dr. Jo Moynihan, but the logical destination of a lifelong journey through athletics, injuries, surgeries and personal health improvement. Similarly, her interest and competency in matters of nutrition reflect her personal experience in healing her own and her family’s auto-immune and inflammatory conditions through food.

As a former professional aerial contortionist with Cirque du Soleil, ballroom dancer, competitive gymnast and varsity softball player, she understands the dedication and motivation it takes to achieve one’s personal goals. She is dedicated to helping her patients achieve theirs.

Nutrition, wellness and fitness programming sessions are available via Skype as well as in person.
“I am certain that I will achieve...
...a limp-free gait four months earlier than my surgeon had dared to hope, attributable to Dr. Jo Moynihan’s empathetic professionalism.”
~ A.H.
"Following a thorough consultation...
...and three months of therapy, the injury was dramatically improved. Better yet, I had learned a series of exercises to help me keep my shoulder strong for life."
~ Stewart
"Jo is the real deal."
"Her knowledge of the body — how it functions from a structural AND nutritional standpoint — is unparalleled. With a few minor adjustments to my eating, she helped me radically reduce a lifelong addiction to sugar."
~ D.K.

Contact Dr. Moynihan
to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

Nutrition and wellness sessions can be done in person or online via Skype. All physical therapy sessions need to be in person in Dr. Moynihan's office or, upon request, an in-home or office session can be arranged.